RARO Youth Tennis
One of the most important things we do is to introduce and nurture the game. The RTA sponsors an annual youth 2 week tennis clinic in cooperation with the Rockbridge Area Recreation Organization (RARO). The clinic is open to kids age 6-17.
Saturday Morning Tennis
The Rockbridge Tennis Association sponsors Saturday Morning Tennis (SMT) beginning in June & continuing into late fall. We meet each Saturday morning from 8 to 10 on area courts. Players of all skill levels are welcome to join us. To allow members to play with as many others as possible, we switch teams every 30 minutes. We encourage you to come out & and join the fun. Click here for more information.

Washburn Award
RTA sponsors the annual William C. Washburn Tennis Award to honor the contributions that Bill Washburn made to tennis in Lexington and Rockbridge County. The award recognizes a Rockbridge area junior player who practices good sportsmanship, has good quality of character, and possesses great enthusiasm for the game of tennis.
Social Events
RTA organizes social events that allow local tennis players to connect and compete.

Community Service
Supporting Country Club, Coaching, teaching, advocating for new facilities.